17 August, 2016

How to run test methods in parallel but test classes in sequence

How to run test methods in parallel but test classes in sequence

This question came up recently on the TestNG forum. Since when solving this question I had a chance to use one of the lesser known features of TestNG, I thought I should perhaps capture this as a blog so that it can help someone.

Here’s the problem statement :

A user on the forum wanted to have his/her test classes be executed in sequence, but wanted to have all the @Test annotated test methods in each of the test classes in parallel.

As we know, TestNG provides the following parallel execution strategies :

  • tests – This means that each of the <test> tags in the suite xml file would be executed in parallel.
  • classes – This means that all of the test classes would be executed in parallel
  • methods – This means that all of the @Test methods would be executed in parallel
  • instances – This is applicable in the case of factories that are powered by a data provider and when set would cause the instances produced by a factory to run in parallel
  • false – This disables parallel execution behaviour.

As you can see, with the above mentioned options, our problem statement cannot be solved directly.

I resorted to making use of a TestNG suite xml file for this.

So here’s how my Suite xml file looks like :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<suite name="Class1Suite" parallel="methods" group-by-instances="true"
    <test name="instances">
            <package name="organized.chaos.forums.testng.*"/>

If you looked closer, you would notice that we used a new attribute named object-factory. From the TestNG DTD here’s the explanation for this attribute.

A class that implements IObjectFactory that will be used to instantiate the test objects.

As the description says, if we provide a full qualified package name of a class that implements the TestNG provided interface org.testng.IObjectFactory2, then TestNG will create Test class (a test class is nothing but an ordinary java class that contains one or more @Test annotated test methods) instances only via our provided object-factory.

So lets take a look at how the class organized.chaos.forums.testng.MyObjectFactory looks like :

package organized.chaos.forums.testng;
import org.testng.IObjectFactory2;
public class MyObjectFactory implements IObjectFactory2 {
    public MyObjectFactory() {
        System.err.println("Custom Factory being created");
    public Object newInstance(Class<?> cls) {
        try {
            return cls.newInstance();
        } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
        return null;

Here’s how one of the test classes that resides in organized.chaos.forums.testng package looks like. I have about four of such classes, with each class having 2 methods.

public class ClassOne {
    public void testMethod() {
        String method = Reporter.getCurrentTestResult().getMethod().getMethodName();
        System.err.println("Running " + getClass().getName() + "." + method + "() on Thread [" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "]");
    public void anotherTestMethod() {
        String method = Reporter.getCurrentTestResult().getMethod().getMethodName();
        System.err.println("Running " + getClass().getName() + "." + method + "() on Thread [" + Thread.currentThread().getId() + "]");

Here’s how the output looks like. As you can see, the classes are being instantiated one after the other (at-least the output gives that impression) and within each of the classes, the test methods run in parallel.

Custom Factory being created
[TestNG] Running: multiple-classes.xml
Running organized.chaos.forums.testng.ClassTwo.anotherTestMethod() on Thread [11]
Running organized.chaos.forums.testng.ClassTwo.testMethod() on Thread [12]
Running organized.chaos.forums.testng.ClassFour.testMethod() on Thread [14]
Running organized.chaos.forums.testng.ClassFour.anotherTestMethod() on Thread [13]
Running organized.chaos.forums.testng.ClassOne.anotherTestMethod() on Thread [15]
Running organized.chaos.forums.testng.ClassOne.testMethod() on Thread [13]
Running organized.chaos.forums.testng.ClassThree.anotherTestMethod() on Thread [12]
Running organized.chaos.forums.testng.ClassThree.testMethod() on Thread [13]
Total tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

For any queries, log an issue here.
