Problem statement As a user, I would like to be able to repeat a test n times but for a particular time duration. The approach On a high…
Problem statement Build a capability such that configuration methods can be retried if there's a failure in a previous attempt. Pre…
Modes of instrumentation Basically there are two ways in which one can instrument their java code. On-the-fly instrumentation In this model…
"Hey Krishnan, you been in open source for quite sometime.. Can you tell me how do I get started with contributing to an open source project…
GoLang is all about its simplicity when it comes to supporting concurrency. There are primarily just two things that one needs to know about…
Problem statement: I use data provider for parameterized tests. I understand that the test method execute once for every instance in the…
Just the other day when I was amidst a catch up conversation with my ex-boss, he casually asked me.."So Krishnan.. you are this automation…
Some of the expectations from a dependency injection container framework is as below (Borrowed from this post on medium by Minjie Zha): No…
Most of us would have at some point or the other built a Selenium based TestNG test that kind of looks like below: When running this above…
TestNG provides us users with two ways in you can achieve data driven tests. You make use of the annotation wherein you bind your method…
To the best of my knowledge, so far there’s no support within cucumber-jvm so as to support concurrent executions of scenarios that are part…
What is dependency injection ? Quoting WikiPedia, here’s the definition of dependency injection: In software engineering, dependency…
We have all at some point wished that we had a way wherein we could dynamically build the TestNG suite xml file based upon some parameters…
Running setup only once per Test/Suite Without Using @BeforeSuite/@BeforeTest This is a common question that I am noticing asked by many…
Dears Listeners…stand in Q please Yes, you read the title right.. but I was not hinting at you the readers.. but I was referring to the…
Testcase specific logs for a Selenium project Problem statement: You would like to have a separate log file for every testcase so that if…
How to run test methods in parallel but test classes in sequence This question came up recently on the TestNG forum. Since when solving this…
Working with @TestInstance annotation Sometimes one would need to gain access to the test class instance to which an annotated test method…
Parallel execution of multiple TestNG suites If we would like to run more than one TestNG suite in parallel, here’s how to go about doing it…
Running tests which don’t have TestNG annotations This question came up very recently on the TestNG forum and I found it to be quite…
What are data providers in TestNG Data providers is a very common need when you are building tests that are data driven in nature. TestNG…
Sharing data across Tests in different TestClasses So today I saw another interesting question posted on the TestNG-Users google forum. How…
Sharing parameters among different TestNG suites Off late I have been seeing a couple of queries every now and then which asks How do I…
BeanShell and TestNG Very recently someone asked a question if I could have the luxury of referring to VM arguments in the TestNG Suite XML…
Parallel WebDriver executions using TestNG In this post, we will see how does one make use of TestNG to kick off parallel UI tests using…
We all at some point or the other have had to deal with tests that are data driven. One of the frequently asked question that I have seen on…
Using the listener factory in TestNG Sometime back I stumbled into a in TestNG. I have tried hunting for information about it, but so far…
Working with Threads in TestNG Sometime back, me and my friend were trying to play around with Threads in annotated TestNG methods and we…
“Listen” to what I have to say about “TestNG” Listeners What are these listeners ? What does TestNG stand to offer to us with them ? This…